Mindful Pumping - Manage Stress To Improve Pumped Milk-Output
Do you snuggle with low milk output when you pump? Stress can block your let-down reflex, which can lead to incomplete emptying of the breast, which in the long term can lead to decreased milk production. Incorporate mindful pumping to help your mind and body over-come stress and increase relaxation!
4 Steps To Mindful Pumping
1. Did you know that your mind-body connection is so strong that even just thinking of, hearing, smelling, or seeing your baby can bring on a let-down? If you are separated from your baby when you pump, try using all these tricks to over come a slow let-down.
2. Do you feel overwhelmed by all the noise around you? Relax you body and mind by being mindful of the sounds around you while you pump. Use calming music, guided mediations, white noise, or listen to your baby’s cooing (even if it’s a recording of your baby on you phone). Your let-don reflex can be triggered by sounds that you hear frequently while pumping, so pay attention to what makes your milk flow.
3. By shifting the focus off of what stresses you out, the lack of milk flow for example, you can improve relaxation and solve the problem. Cover the bottles on the pump by pulling baby socks over them and watch your favourite show, or visualize the most relaxing place you can think of instead.
4. Trust me when I say; You are doing amazing!